This School Plan 2015-2017 sets out the broad strategic direction for our school over the coming years and how we will measure our success. The school's Strategic Plan is informed by information gathered and directions identified through the school self-evaluation process and by directions chosen by the school.
These focus areas are designed to increase the likelihood that our students will:
• be the central focus of all we do; • attend and be engaged; • students access a broad and differentiated curriculum including vocational education training to facilitate engaged learning; • be supported by teachers who make students, as learners, the central focus of all they do; • have teachers who continually seek to improve the quality of teaching in their classroom, and • a school that has systems, policies and programs which are integrated with and underpin academic learning.
Leading edge practice research shows that schools which provide learning of a consistently high quality in an efficient, highly effective, learner centred environment [are places] where teachers are also learners; where teachers and pupils learn with and from one another; where -in effect- the school is a learning community. |
CPHS_School_Plan_2015_2017 (pdf 455 KB)